"Can you imagine the idealistic, well-educated nineteenth-century intellectual stalking through the woods, the blood and entrails of some forest creature dripping from his mouth and beard? This historic scene points forwards towards the paradoxes, ambiguities and contradictions that form the intellectual manure fertilizing American Black Metal band "Wolves In The Throne Room" (WITTR)." read more...
Listening to them always makes me feel right at home with myself, specifically their album titled 'Two Hunters'. My favorite song of which, by far, is Cleansing. No matter where I'm at, no matter what time, I flip to that song & it places me right in the woods at night, worshiping the earth and indulging in my own inner goddess.

I went to see them once, actually, in April on their recent tour here. They came through Richmond and played at Gallery5 (wonderful little artsy nook). Despite the ungodly heat inside the building, it was a wonderful show. I stayed outside for a lot of it after a few songs however (as it was much nicer weather), but I could still hear them just nicely. I bought a t-shirt but have since worn my boyfriend's shirt of theirs instead. I wanted to buy them all because the artwork is just so beautiful!! & definitely adds to the atmosphere of who they are. Props to the artist, you've done an amazing job. Their merch table at the show was set up so beautifully as well. Dressed with candles and animal relics, it gleamed amazingly in the dark. It's inspired me to start my own little altar-like table of sorts once given the chance. :] I'd definitely see them again, without a doubt.

Although they're known for their black metal taste, they're also on the ambient side which I find completely calming, soothing, & (as said before) right at home with myself. It's so beautiful the way they mix the two.
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While you're at it, check out WEAKLING as well!!

You won't be sorry, my loves.
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